Favorite Things: Two-Month-Old Edition
I cannot believe our sweet Kennedy is TWO months old (as of this past Saturday). On one hand, time with her is just flying and at the same time, we can hardly remember life before she joined us. The past couple of weeks have been so much fun, as she has started smiling and cooing all the time. She’s just the very best thing and still a wonderful eater and sleeper. We feel very lucky!!
Today, I wanted to share an updated list of some things that have been a big part of our lives during her second month of life. Being first time parents, everything we do and try at this point is completely new to us and trial and error in terms of figuring out what may or may not work. I should also make a disclaimer that obviously what works for one baby might not work for another, but these are some things that the Jordans are fans of right now! 🙂
If you (or someone you know) has a fall/winter baby, these little booties are a must-have! They’re super affordable and absolutely adorable while keeping your little one’s feet nice and warm. Kennedy is too little to wear actual shoes but with it being so cold, I want to be sure her feet stay covered up and these have been the perfect solution. Just got two more colors!
Another must for any fall/winter babes. There are a lot of car seat covers and accessories on the market but most are NOT actually approved for using with your baby’s car seat. This one, however, can be because it just goes OVER the edge of your car seat (think like a shower cap haha) and doesn’t interfere with the harness or other parts of the seat.
PS – everyone that has seen this says they want one for themselves haha. I must agree! So cozy!
I included this link at the very bottom of last month’s post but wanted to share a little more about it this month because I’ve become an avid user of the Haakaa. I mean it when I say that this will be one of my go-to gifts for any friends who plan to breastfeed. It is the best and easiest $20 you can spend! A basic explanation of how it’s used is that you put it on the side you’re not feeding baby on and it catches all of that milk that otherwise would have gone to waste.
I will easily get 3+ ounces while feeding Kennedy and use almost every time I nurse her during the daytime. I love it so much that I bought another so that I can have them in constant rotation of being used and being washed!
Kennedy wasn’t too sure about this for the first few weeks of life but in the last two weeks or so, she’s become quite fond of her rock ‘n play. Again, goes to show that not everything you have or purchase will actually work for your baby (or at least not right away). She’s become a champ in this thing though and will regularly put herself to sleep for a solid nap while rocking. We have the deluxe auto version which has a vibration setting as well as a few rocking and sound settings.
Last month I talked about the Comotomo bottles, which I do still like, but I also tried Smilo this past month and have been a big fan. The nipple on them is by far the slowest flow of any bottles we have, which is what you want with a brand new baby. I’m sure as she gets older, the Comotomo and other brands we have (Dr. Brown’s and Philips Avent) will probably be just as good, but for now, I really like the slow flow action of Smilo. This is also the brand of pacifiers that we’ve loved for her and are hands down the best for a newborn.
Our girl loves a good bath and we’ve officially graduated from sink baths to bathing in the tub, which is where this little support seat comes in. It just sits in the tub and keeps Kennedy at a slight angle, making sure to give her plenty of support while also being easy to wash her and whatnot. Definitely my favorite thing to use when bathing her!
I’ve also started wearing Kennedy more in the last month or so. There are times when she wants to be held but I also need to get things done, which makes a baby carrier SO handy. This one has been my favorite hands down! I also own a Solly Baby Wrap and the Ergo Baby, but prefer the Boppy over both of those, at least right now. My thought is that the Ergo is super sturdy and structured, while the Solly is literally just a huge piece of fabric you tie up. The Boppy carrier is somewhere in between those two extremes by offering more structure and support than the Solly but still being a lot softer and more comfortable than the Ergo.
That’s all I’ve got for today, but I’m always so curious to hear what other mamas are loving, so please be sure to share with me! Now I’ll leave you with the cutest pictures of all time. 😉
xx Alex
The Rock-N-Play was a lifesaver for us!
Love that baby! And you…