Favorite Things: Nine Months

HOW is our baby girl nine months old today!? Time slow down!!! What a fun month watching her get SO active (just seconds from crawling…) and being as happy and sweet as ever. We continue to fall more in love with her and can’t believe she’s ours. We’re so blessed.

As always, I’m recapping this ninth month and sharing some of our favorite things. I love getting recommendations from other parents and caregivers, so be sure to leave a comment or shoot me a message on Instagram if you have something fun we should check out!

Baby Laptop – Kennedy loves anything that makes noise right now and this little computer is a favorite. It sings songs about shapes, colors, and makes animal noises. Very cheap entertainment haha.

Jumper – My in-laws have this baby jumper at their house and Kennedy is just now at the age where she’s really liking it and figuring it out more. Time to get one for our house!! 🙂

Ring Stack – Is this not the most classic baby toy of all time? And it doesn’t hurt that it’s $7! Such a simple but fun toy for little ones this age. I love watching Kennedy take the rings off and try to figure out how they go back on.

Dada Book – We got this book for Michael for Father’s Day and it has become one of her favorites to read. It’s super basic and short but the illustrations are really cute and quirky little animals. I think we need the Mama version now…

Little Poppy Co Bows – I’ve talked about these before but wanted to share again. I get asked about Kennedy’s bows ALL the time and this brand is our favorite for nylon headbands. It’s a subscription service, so as a member, you get three new bows (your choice of style) each month. Their designs are the best! For the thicker style of headbands, these are our go-tos. All baby girl mamas need to know about these two brands!

Thanks for stopping by and happy July! This is a fun month for us – the 4th, a new nephew coming any day, and my and Remi’s birthdays. 😉 Have a great start to this short holiday week!

xx Alex

Previous Kennedy monthly posts here:

Month 8

Month 7

Months 5 & 6

Month 4

Month 3

Month 2

Month 1

favorite products for nine month old babies

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